How To Unlock Trailblazer’s Personal Quarters In Honkai: Star Rail

How To Unlock Trailblazer’s Personal Quarters In Honkai: Star Rail

Honkai: Star Rail has always had quarters on the Astral Express for Himeko, Welt, Dan Yeng, and March 7th. However, while we are often asked to visit Dan Yeng and March 7th in their personalised spaces, Trailblazer has never had their own. Until now, that is.


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The Cosmic Home Decor Guide is an event which will unlock the ability to construct and decorate Trailblazer’s very own quarters on the Astral Express. This event has been introduced with a time limit but is likely to remain playable after this period has elapsed, just with fewer rewards, similar to events such as A Foxian Tale of the Haunted.

How To Begin The Cosmic Home Decor Guide Quest

Honkai Star Rail Cosmic Home Decor Menu default.

To begin, simply find the event in the Travel Log and select go. You’ll begin the quest chain which first asks you to go to the Astral Express Party Car.

Travel to the Parlor Car and head to the door straight ahead, which usually leads to the Passenger Car. You’ll be greeted by a cut scene introducing the new Party Car and a robot bartender called Shush, named after the last thing Himeko said to his previous owner.

You’ll also discover that you now have your own room, which may or may not have been here all along. Go to the stairs by the bar, and you’ll see a blue star banner to mark the area. Select ‘Character Name’s Room’ and Himeko and Pom Pom will be waiting. This triggers a cut scene where you will officially be welcomed as a Nameless and part of the Astral Express crew.

Honkai Star Rail Being initiated as a nameless.

You’ll now have to go back to the Party Car to follow through another short series of dialogue options and cut scenes until you reach the point where March 7th and Pom Pom offer to help you clean your new room, since it’s essentially a storage room.

How To Begin Room Renovations

You’ll be walked through clearing some boxes and placing a bed and pillows to introduce the basic mechanics of placing things. After a short cut scene where you sleep, you’ll be introduced to the Astral Express Shift Schedule. You’ll now be required to work shifts in order to learn credits to further renovate your room.

The room starts as a large storage room, and you’ll build up different sections, one at once. They are: bedroom, bathroom, entryway, living room, game room, and display room.

Each area is unlocked with credits, and then main items are also purchasable with credits. You earn these by working shifts with the rest of the crew. Some shifts also earn you unique decor items which you can use to customise certain areas.

How To Use The Duty Schedule

Honkai Star Rail Duty Schedule when only bed is placed.

The duty schedule appears on a tablet next to your bed as soon as the intro is over. Select Check the Duty Schedule, and you’ll begin a day of chores with your crew mates.

You start off with a standard five-person squad of the core Astral Express crew: Himeko, March 7th, Dan Heng, Welt, and Trailblazer. There are four more crew members to unlock: Peppy, Fried Rice Robot, Sparkle Doll, and Trash Cake.

Honkai Star Rail Duty Roster.

All five Astral Express crew members can serve as a team leader and each one has a unique Leader Trait and Meeting Ability. These provide bonuses for your teams, so you’ll need to pay attention to them in order to maximise your credits.

The duty schedule comprises a timeline across the top of the screen, then a set of action cards, chores you can fit into the timeline in the bottom right-hand corner. The timeline has circles which indicate time periods, and each action card has a number corresponding to how many time periods it requires to complete.

The day is broken up by meetings at which you present reports from crew members on the tasks completed. The more tasks a crew member completes, the more reports they will have for Pom Pom. Crew members will also gain ranks for completing tasks.

Honkai Star Rail First Shift in progress.

When looking at the action card tasks, in top left there is a number which is how many circles it will fill on the timeline, and in the top right an image of the character the task relates to. If you click the task, you can see the rewards in experience and credits you’ll receive.

You need to choose the correct task order to maximise your rewards. This is a balancing act you’ll learn as you go along, and there are two different factors at play, bonuses on the timeline and report and rank bonuses in the meetings.


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How To Maximise Timeline Bonuses

Honkai Star Rail Peppy watching the door.

Timeline bonuses are simple to maximise by counting the circles across the top. Bonuses are marked on the timeline and you’ll see the following:

Lucky Events

The golden question marks indicate lucky events. A lucky event will give a one-off bonus to your crew, generally in the form of extra credits or experience.


If you see a x2, x3, or x4 symbol this is a multiplier which means that all rewards from the task which ends here will be multiplied by the stated number.

Inspiration Tiles

If you see an icon of a crew member’s face, this will trigger a eureka moment from that crew member. They will gain a Meeting Ability. These offer boosts to the bonuses from reports presented in the meetings.

Watch out for the red exclamation mark! This indicates a calamity, and you’ll lose credits or experience if you finish a task on this space.

Multipliers are the best rewards, since they offer a large and reliable bonus. Meeting Abilities are hit and miss. Some have huge rewards while others you may never use. Lucky spaces also vary from a little luck to a large amount.

In terms of the tasks themselves, longer tasks will earn more than shorter tasks, so make sure to compare the rewards, as often one long task has a better reward than two shorter ones. If you see a golden task, this is a rare task specific to that team leader. It will have higher rewards.

Honkai Star Rail Duty in progress March speciality available.

When one action card is used, it will be replaced by another random one. Times vary from one slot to five slots and the tasks are drawn at random from the pool associated with each character.

As you approach a meeting, you can put any task in the gap, and it will end on the meeting circle, even if there isn’t enough room for it. You’ll still get the full rewards for the task, so make sure to schedule that five circle task just before lunch to gain maximum profit in minimal time.

How To Maximise Meeting Bonuses

Honkai Star Rail Meeting with reports being submitted and 5 abilities in place.

At each meeting you’ll need to submit reports. On a basic level, you get rewards for every report you submit. The higher the rank of the crew member submitting it, the larger this bonus is.

This basic bonus can then be multiplied by having multiple reports from the same crew member, or by using Meeting Abilities.

Meeting abilities can offer the biggest boosts, with some offering a multiplier of several thousand. However, you need to make sure you read the criteria carefully.

Here are some of the criteria you can expect to see a bonus for:

  • Submitting a specific number of reports
  • Submitting reports all from the same crew member
  • Submitting reports all from different crew members

You can only have a maximum of five abilities active at once.

Honkai Star Rail Meeting Ability discard screen.

However, you’ll notice that some abilities clash, for instance, an ability rewarding unfilled reports is useless when you have another which rewards submitting as many as possible. Make sure to check your other abilities by clicking them before you make a choice about what to discard.

Usually gold abilities are more valuable, but synergy is key, so this won’t always be the case.

The most valuable meetings are those which maximise bonuses. Also, remember that the more tasks a crew member is specifically assigned on the timeline, the more reports they’ll submit. This is especially good to bear in mind if you need multiple reports from either the same person, or a large number of differing reports.

You can also use the mental reset ability to swap out a report for a different random report.

All Available Duty Teams And Their Bonuses

Honkai Star Rail New Duty Squad Screen.

If you follow through the prompts, you’ll soon unlock the new characters, creating five seperate teams. Here’s everything you need to know about each one.

Team Name


Other Members

Leader Trait

Initial Meeting Ability

Guiding Lightning


March 7th

Dan Heng



Offers detailed guidance for anyone new to duties


Full Throttle

March 7th

Dan Heng




Greatly increases change of getting the leader’s action card

March 7th’s reports grant +20 to base score

Strategic Vision

Dan Heng

March 7th



Fried Rice Robot

You can only redraw action cards after all four are placed

You gain the passenger paragons action card after each dinner meeting

Passenger paragons increases all crewmembers duty level to the maximum

Every report is classed as effective (submitted) and adds to the base score

Steady Stride



March 7th


Sparkle Doll

Use special action card passion booster to generate multipliers on the timeline

If you submit three or fewer reports your score efficiency increases by 3000%

Maverick Whiz



Fried Rice Robot

Sparkle Doll

Trash Cake

You can only see five tiles ahead on the timeline

Higher chance of inspiration tiles and better meeting abilities

Every submitted report has a 50% chance to multiply its score by 2

All teams start with an initial duty level of 30, an experience gain of 500%, and an express fund gain of 1200%.

How To Complete Your Bedroom

There’s no locked content in this event, so you can just keep doing duty tasks until you’ve unlocked everything. The game will prompt you to build the room one area at a time, and duties will also unlock extras to place in the room.

Everything is unlocked with express credits, so the more efficient you are with bonuses, the faster you’ll unlock it all.

How To Edit Your Bedroom

Honkai Star Rail custom decor option screen.

The easiest way to access the build menu to make changes is to go to the bathroom, click the bath and choose ‘select bath soak’. This opens a menu where you can easily scroll between all the rooms, adding clutter decor.

Decor comes from duties and is mimimal currently but likely to expand in the future.

Event Rewards

Honkai Star Rail Shush congratulating traveler on finishing bedroom.

The main reward event is the room itself, which has a few unique features. They include a Trash Cake pet, a computer with a secret, a refrigerator you can set rules for and a few other little quirks.

Beyond this, you’ll also receive:

  • A Four Star Character – Choose between Moze, Misha, Xueyi and Lynx
  • Stellar Jades
  • Ascension Materials
  • Lightcone Levelling Materials
  • Talent Levelling Materials
  • Credits

All these are easily earned just by playing through and unlocking everything.


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